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16 Digit Display

Today we will learn about a display of 16 numbers.
We need to think a lot when we have to send a signal from a few wires.
Or say that we have a low cunt of control pins to run the display, now we will see how this can be done this demonstration.
As you know, we need at least 7 to 8 lines to display any digit in a seven segment display.
And if we want to display 16 digits then you can understand how many lines we want.
The method has been explained in this article so that we can run many displays using fewer lines.
We can see the circuit of the display below.

Above is the half part of a 16 digit display and by combining the two half part of the same, our 16 digits display is ready.
If we add all 16 digits separately then the point we want and the wires we want will be more.
That's why we have added these 16 digits in such a way that we have to use the least number of wires and the points.

As you see, 1 digit has 8 points, 7 points for representing any number and the eighth point for decimal.
We first added all the individual segments of each display together, such as A to A, B to B, etc.  
By doing this we have 8 points for all the displays, with the help of which we can display any number.
Now we need to add wires to select each display individually. For that, we will use the Decoder IC 74HC138.
It decodes three points into 8 points. And using two such ICs, we will control 16 displays.
The truth table below tells us which points we have to give the potential to control what display.
Like if we want to display a number in the first display, then we will make DS 1 and other as 0.
Here 1 means giving positive potential and 0 means Ground.

According to the table given above, you can create programs on the computer and display the digits as per your wish.

Author - Aniruddh Sharma

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